Mark Begg has two Home Hardware stores, the one in Crysler as well as one in Maxville. When he was the keynote speaker at a Breakfast Connections event held at North Stormont Place in Avonmore in April, he spoke about the people and things that had guided his journey so far. He says there is nothing he would change. Tinkess Photo

CRYSLER – There are few businesses that are as representative of Canada as Home Hardware, “The Home of the Handyman.”

The group that would eventually become Home Hardware was formed on Jan. 1, 1964, when 122 independent Ontario hardware retailers purchased St. Jacob’s based Hollinger Hardware Limited. This resulted in the formation of a 100 per cent dealer-owned business model. On Nov. 9, 1967, Home Hardware’s name and logo became official.

Mark Begg is a Home Hardware dealer and has stores in Crysler and Maxville. His philosophy about business is very straight forward and can be summed up in two words: People first. That theme was driven home earlier this year when Begg was the keynote speaker at a Breakfast Connections meeting at North Stormont Place in Avonmore

“To me owning a business is much more than making money,” said Begg, at the time. “It’s important to me that what I do has an impact on my community. Why is that important to me? I think it’s because I was influenced by two people that really made a difference in my life. Number one, in that one I didn’t have much choice. I was going to work for dad at Home Hardware. That’s just what I was going to do as a student. I kind of loved it. I really enjoyed it.”

While Begg’s introduction to Home Hardware came early in his life while working for his dad, his introduction to business and management, for that matter came in his 17 years at Delaney Bus Lines in Avonmore.

One of the things he started doing when he was with Delaney Bus Lines was, he started working with a business coach.

“I had been in the busses for quite a few years, and then whenever Mike Delaney passed away, I kind of was thrusted to the head of the company,” said Begg, “And I just kind of needed a little bit of guidance on doing it all on my own. I did some Googling and found business coaching, found a company in Ottawa, just reached out and I hit it off well with Rob, and I’ve been working with him ever since.”

Begg agrees that it is important to be honest with yourself and understand that there are some things you are good at and others where you might need to do some work to improve. “There’s something to learn every day,” he commented.

As he mentioned above, Begg’s father was the Home Hardware dealer in Crysler.

“He was involved in the family business here until it was sold in 74 and then he went on to, ironically, pursue something else, but ended up managing the store in Winchester for some 20-some-odd years.

What was it like for him, returning to Home Hardware and what was his father’s store in Crysler?

“I mean, it’s kind of neat, kind of nostalgic, you know, kind of honoured to say that you’re still working in the same building that your great-grandfather, grandfather and father all worked out of,” said Begg.

While so many businesses seem to change their direction frequently, Home Hardware has been more consistent in what they try to provide to people, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some changes.

“I guess the biggest shift in retail, and that’s overall, is the move towards online shopping,” said Begg. “We deal with a lot more online orders than we ever have before. It’s just, it’s the way of the future, right? So, businesses have to pivot and adapt.

“If you want to stick around, you got to adapt to the way people are doing their shopping.”

They say the only constant in life is change, and when you do business in a community like Crysler which continues to grow and develop, you have to keep pace.

“Crysler is going through significant building of homes here, so I think a bigger store is going to be on the horizon for us sooner rather than later. I just think it’s probably the next step we have to take here in Crysler as a store.”

Begg is one of those fortunate people who has a good grasp on what is important in life. I asked him if there was anything he would do differently.

“Not a thing,” he said, without hesitation.

Home Hardware in Crysler is located at 68 Charles St. They are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

If you would like to have a light shined on your business, please contact us at: or call us at 613-448-2321.