The first meeting of the CCMD was held in the Morrisburg Legion, with Alex Munter, president, and CEO of CHEO, providing an information presentation. Following the meeting there was opportunity for a photo of the honoured guests in front of our beloved Canadian flag. From the left: North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser, SDSG MP Eric Duncan, Canadian Club of Morrisburg and District president Anne Caza, president and CEO of CHEO Alex Munter, president and CEO WDMH and DMLTCH Cholly Boland and South Dundas Mayor Jason Broad.   Thompson Goddard Photo

MORRISBURG – The Canadian Club of Morrisburg and District began the 2023-2024 season on Wed., Sept. 20 in the Morrisburg Legion Hall, with Alex Munter, president and CEO of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) providing guests with an informative and interesting presentation.

Following a social hour and delicious catered dinner, Munter was introduced by SDSG MP Eric Duncan, who spoke on Munter’s municipal council experience and his work at ensuring that CHEO remains a world class hospital.

He noted that in 2024, CHEO will celebrate 50 years of providing care to children up to 18 years of age. Munster further mentioned the hospital is a clinical, research and teaching hospital for both healthcare workers and administrators. He mentioned there are 43,000 visits from children residing in Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry per year, or 170 children per day from the United Counties, noting that 23,000 children reside in this area. Munster explained the idea of a children’s hospital in Ottawa began in 1960s, with young mothers and pediatricians working together to have a local children’s hospital. He mentioned Ottawa mayoralty candidate Don Reid made the creation of a children’s hospital part of his election campaign. CHEO was officially opened in 1974, with Munster mentioning the support of the community has helped to ensure its continued growth.

There are currently half as many beds in CHEO as there was when it opened in 1974. He explained this is because of several factors including childhood immunization, advances in medicine, pharmacology, safety legislation and surgery. There is an expectation that the next 25 years will see an increase in demand with the advent of new diseases, better diagnostic procedures, etc.

Munster mentioned the population of young people in Ontario is growing, with those needing urgent care increasing in number. He noted how in the case of children, delays in healthcare can have far reaching effects for both the child and their loved ones. As the 50-year celebration of CHEO approaches, there are plans to increase the size of the CHEO campus; the creation of a multi-disciplinary program to support families; professional training and other programs under development. He concluded his presentation by thanking local communities for their continued support of CHEO.

Following a question-and-answer period, president, and CEO of Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH) and Dundas Manor Long-Term Care Home (DMLTCH) Cholly Boland thanked Munster for his presentation.

More information on the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario can be found at, on the Winchester District Memorial Hospital at and visit the Facebook page of The Canadian Club of Morrisburg and District for information and upcoming guest speakers.