Recognized for their contributions to the community over several years by being named as a Paul Harris Fellow were Dinos Pavlounis, Greg Van Dellen, Julie Jeaurond, Gordon Dean, Jacob Cinnamon, Daniel Pettigrew and Thea Chouinard. Pictured above are, from the left, front row: Rotarian Ruth Gilroy, District 7040 area governor Rotarian Cora Beking and Rotarian Beate Stewart. Back row: Thea Chouinard, Julie Jeaurond, Gordon Dean, Dinos Pavlounis, Jacob Cinnamon, Daniel Pettigrew and Gregory Van Dellen. Thompson Goddard Photo

CHESTERVILLE – The final meeting for the Rotary Club of Chesterville (RCC) for this year was held in the Nelson Laprade Centre in the village. The Rotary year runs from the beginning of July until the end of June, with Martin Derks becoming Rotary president as well as treasurer, Dave Baerg assuming the role of vice president and Betty Van Den Bosch will serve as the organization’s secretary.

Completing her term as Rotary president for 2022-2023, Beate Stewart provided an overview of some of the club activities during the year. These included the annual Breakfast with Santa, mentioning how in addition to visiting with Santa, there are activities for children during the event and a bake sale hosted by Christ Church before thanking the community for their support and the businesses who made donations. She mentioned there was a good turnout at the Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, with Rotarians spearheading the repair of the town clock and the rewiring of the snowflakes, thanking the Vanden Bosch family for their assistance throughout the years. The big project currently underway is the purchase and installation of three new signs at the entrances to Chesterville.

Four new members to the Rotary were sworn in by District 7040 area governor Cora Beking. They are Jane Hoople, Wendy Hoople, Dave Baerg and Carolynn Forde.

Dinos Pavlounis, Greg Van Dellen, Julie Jeaurond, Gordon Dean, Jacob Cinnamon, Daniel Pettigrew and Thea Chouinard were recognized for their contributions to the community over several years by being named as a Paul Harris Fellow.