Following the completion of the graduation exercises, the candidates and their staff instructors gathered to record the moment for posterity. From the left, front row: Ryan VanLoon, Bailey Norman, Shelby Bonhomme, Brittany White, Alexandre Gauthier. Middle row: Nolan Thompson, Joseph Dingemans, Luc Dauphinais, Jason Mulvihill, Damien Graham, Malik Croney. Back row: NS Deputy Mayor Steve Densham, Chris Leduc, Scott Hayes, Todd Bayly, Derek Hoar, Kevin Lapp, NS Fire Chief Nancy-Ann Gauthier, Julie Montcalm and NS Mayor François Landry. Absent from Photo Meghan Steacy, Alain Sarault and Tyler Dingwall. Thompson Goddard Photo

MOOSE CREEK – It was chilly and rainy outside the recreation centre in Moose Creek, but inside there was lots of pride and warmth as the North Stormont Fire Services held the graduation ceremonies for graduates of NFPA 1001 Firefighter Level 1 and 2.

“Today, we gather to celebrate a truly remarkable group of individuals – those who have chosen to step up as firefighters.” said North Stormont Fire Chief Nancy-Ann Gauthier as the ceremony began.  She continued by saying how being a firefighter “is not just a role; it is a calling that speaks to the heart of community service and personal sacrifice.”

She explained how the term “firefighter” is defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (FFPA) as “individuals who are trained and equipped to respond to emergencies, prevent fire, and protect the public from danger.”, noting “This designation encompasses both career and part-time roles, but the essential duties and responsibilities remain the same.  Your training aligns with these high standards, ensuring that you are prepared to serve with excellence.

Like other speakers at the event such as North Stormont Mayor François Landry and Scott Hayes, Fire Protection Adviser from the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, Gauthier mentioned the importance of familial support to firefighters and the commitment of these first responders to the community.

A sincere thank you was extended to Administrative Assistant Julie Montcalm by NSFS Training Coordinator Derek Hoar who served as Master of Ceremonies for the graduation event. It was noted the certification was achieved by these graduates after 170 hours of practical, written and online training as well as a weekend of testing.

This year an award for the top student in the class was awarded to Brittany White, by NS Fire Chief Gauthier and Marcel Lafrance of Lafrance Ag Services.

Following a video compilation of various aspects of the training undertaken by these graduates, a light lunch was provided to those in attendance. People were able to enjoy an opportunity to visit with the new graduates along with friends and neighbours.