And the race begins!
A crowd of spectators were on hand to view the tubie craft being lifted into the St. Lawrence River. A South Dundas fire truck started the race just after noon on Aug. 4, and immediately the tubies were moving. First across the finish line were the “Tubie on Vacation” team. Thompson Goddard Photo

MORRISBURG – It was Tubie Weekend in Morrisburg and there was no shortage of fun and entertaining things to do in this South Dundas community. Weekend highlights began with a dance on Fri.,  Aug. 2 with opening ceremonies, the Tubie Weekend parade on the 3rd and the Tubie race on the 4th.

According to organizers the summer event began over 50 years ago, when two friends were socializing, and the suggestion was made to race each other on the St. Lawrence River in a tire tube. The following year this long-standing community event became official, and the rest as they say is history!

“What a wonderful event – each year it gets better and better! We can’t thank our sponsors enough and the participants because without them the Tubie Festival would not happen! We had record crowds on all three days which demonstrates the community’s commitment to this event.   Outstanding job everyone!” commented Tubie Weekend Committee Chair, Lois Casselman.

The theme for the 2024 Tubie Weekend festivities was Tubie on Vacation, and the floats in the parade provided a selection of vacation spots. Vacations highlighted included Christmas, African Safari, taking a cruise or visiting a fun park. There were plenty of spectators along the route already to enjoy the summer parade and the volunteers on the floats added to the enjoyment of all.

“Thanks to all of the organizing committee, but what is really impressive is the participation and the efforts they put in to make this all happen” commented South Dundas Mayor Jason Broad as he waited for the parade to begin.

Cash prizes were available for first, second and third place winners in the parade. First place and the prize of $300 went to the team who created the Thrill Seekers float, with second place of $200 provided to the Cruise Ship float team and in third place receiving $100 were the Grizwold Christmas parade float team.

Both Friday and Saturday nights were very well attended dances featuring live bands. A refreshment tent was open with live music during Saturday and Sunday afternoons. For the younger participants there was the opportunity to enjoy bouncy castles in addition to playing on the play structures or cooling off in the splash pad on the hot Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

The 2024 Tubie Race was held on Sun., Aug. 4, with the weather cooperating and providing a lot of sunshine and warm temperatures for the event. There were 10 teams entered into the race which started in the St. Lawrence at Arlor Haven Campground and ended in Morrisburg.

There were plenty of spectators to see the teams off and along the way to Morrisburg. On the way to the finish line, people were watching from their parked cars, stopped bicycles, along the shoreline and several boats with people getting an even closer view of the race.

Within half an hour, the “Tubie on Vacation” team Jordan/Lee won the race and were crowned the 2024 King and Queen of the River. In second place were the Cole Veinotte team “The Griswolds” and in third spot was the “Morrisburg Lions Junior C” team Owen Fetterly.

Geraldine Fitzsimmons explained plans for the 2024 weekend “began in November of 2023 to ensure no stone was left unturned to execute this event.” A note of thanks was extended to the “wonderful sponsors, participants and all the visitors that made this event such a success! We are thankful to Mother Nature co-operating again this year!” she commented on behalf of the organizing committee.

When the afternoon was over and visitors to the event were headed home, there was still a lot of work for volunteers to do, with several working into the evening. A special thanks to the volunteers who gave their time to ensure there was a safe and fun 2024 Tubie Weekend.