Members of the Thompson family gathered on July 20 for a community celebration of their 160 years in business in Iroquois. From the left, front row: James Thompson, Ken Hasson. Back row: Karen Thompson, Vicki (Thompson) Hasson and Janis Thompson. Thompson Goddard Photo

IROQUOIS – Thompson Timber Mart is a complete builder supply store located on Dundas Street in the South Dundas community of Iroquois.

The business provides renovators and contractors with one-stop shopping for timber, windows, doors, interior finishes such as several different types of flooring, paint, and kitchen cabinets.  Owner/operator James Thompson explains clients are offered a complete delivery service, which includes a crane truck used to deliver goods to second or third stories at a job site.

“I like working with the customers.” commented James Thompson, noting that customer service is a top priority at the store, and complimenting his staff for their knowledge and expertise in the field.

Store staff strive to get the job done right for their customers, mentioning how he enjoys working in a small community where you know most of your customers.  He explained people are often amazed at the large inventory in the store, but if something not in stock is needed it can be ordered.

In an area steeped in history, Thompson Timber Mart has a long history of serving the local community. 160 years ago, 19-year-old Thomas Allan Thompson arrived in Iroquois and began working as a clerk at Davey’s Grocery.

Soon after Thomas began a business which involved cutting ice from the nearby Galop Canal and delivering it to his customers to be used in their ice houses.  A few years later he purchased an existing lumber business, expanding the business to include the sale and provision of coal, dry goods and groceries with their store located on King Street in Iroquois.

As a result of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Hydro Electric Project, the store was relocated to its present location on Dundas Street in the ‘new’ community of Iroquois.  While the location of the business may have changed, what has remained constant is the commitment to customer and community service.

For the last 10 years, James Thompson has been the owner and operator of Thompson Timber Mart, following the retirement of his brother-in-law Ken Hasson and his brother-in-law Dale Charbut pursuing a career in real estate.  James explained he began working in the store as a young teenager during summer vacation and after school and on weekends, studying business after completing high school.

He mentioned the business has undergone several changes since moving to Dundas Street, mentioning there is the main lumber yard, storage sheds, and the storefront located on the south side of the street and a large bulk storage area across the street.

When asked about challenges faced, James mentioned the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting stresses on the business.  He explained despite being declared as an essential business during the pandemic, there were challenges associated with the supply chain, the protocols instituted to ensure safety of customers and staff as well as the health of those working at the store.  He noted how this was a very busy time for the business as a lot of people were doing home renovations while isolating and developing the procedure for curb-side deliveries.

For people exploring the idea of opening a new business, James had some advice to offer.  He mentioned how it will be tough going for a while, but with flexibility, hard work, unexpected challenges and dedication the rewards can be achieved.

As he looks to the future, he feels fortunate to be able to continue in the family business, providing an opportunity to support his community and assist people. He mentioned he enjoys having students from nearby Seaway District High School on co-op programs work at the store. Noting how there are always changes in the building field, he mentioned as a member of the Timber Mart group, his customers are able to access project and home plans as well as resources available through his suppliers.


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