Glenn Smirle was busy mid-morning checking the sunflowers in anticipation of the third annual Soak Up The Sunflowers and Bee Amazed scheduled for July 27, 28 and Aug. 3, 4 this year. Thompson Goddard Photo

MOREWOOD – It’s official!  The third annual Soak Up The Sunflowers and Bee Amazed event in support of the WDMH Foundation has been scheduled for 2024. Mark your calendars for the event which will run between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the weekends of July 27 and 28 as well as on Aug. 3 and 4 at Smirlholm Farms on the outskirts of Morewood.

“I’m very excited” said Glenn Smirle, who with his wife Lisa and daughter Jada have spent numerous hours planning the event.   All the favourites from past years will be back in 2024, with some fun new attractions for visitors this year.

Glenn explained how in addition to being amazed at the fields of sunflowers, and learning all about the industrious bees, or enjoying a wagon ride to the refreshment area which features a 4-acre wildflower area with the opportunity to enjoy a picnic lunch while listening to live music, there are several new attractions this year.

Over the winter, Glenn made a giant kerplunk game, a connect four board and boards for the cornhole game which is fast becoming a much loved activity. It is anticipated that children of all ages will enjoy some fun playing any or all these games. He and his brother-in-law Glen Garlough also completed a fully functional bar for the refreshment area from reclaimed wood.

If you ever wondered why bees make their hives in a hexagonal shape, the answer will be found on the new information board and if you have more questions about bees, honey, sunflowers and other subjects Glenn will be on hand to answer the queries.

After viewing the observation hive in the barn, finding the answers to your questions, and enjoying the sunflower art from Just Peachy Painting of Russell, this year you will be able to view The Honey House.

Glenn explained the former milk house was converted into a location where the bee’s honey is processed and readied for sale. One can not help but enjoy the sweet scent of honey upon entering The Honey House and seeing firsthand the operation.

However, it is not all about the amazing bees with their sweet smelling and tasting honey.  Looking out the windows in the barn, just to the side of the outdoor bee hives your eyes are drawn to the fields and fields of blooming and beautiful sunflowers.

After admiring the view and exiting the barn, guests are able to take a walk or enjoy either a horse drawn or tractor drawn wagon ride, courtesy of Navandale Farms, to the refreshment area. Once there people are able to walk on paths through a wildflower garden perhaps seeing butterflies or birds futtering through the flowers or maybe hear the contented buzz of bees gathering nectar.

Once at the shaded refreshment area, people can enjoy a picnic lunch while listening to live music from CC& Company, That’s What She Said and Smokey Beckett and Baconeros. Smokey Ridge Vineyard will be providing their wine and beer and mixing the signature honey cocktails with Simply Baked Catering having baked goods or sandwiches available to purchase.

Definitely not an event to be missed and for more information please visit their Facebook page or website located at