RUSSELL – Russell Township Council covered a lot of ground at their regularly scheduled meeting on June 24, 2024, some of which will impact the community well into the future.

The proposed Recreation Complex has reached a major milestone with the awarding of the construction contract to McDonald Brothers Construction Inc.

The tendering process for the recreation complex closed on June 11, and a special council meeting was held Mon., June 17th, 2024, at 5 p.m. in Council chambers to present the bids and financial plans for the recreation complex. From the eight firms that pre- qualified to bid on the project, three bids were received:

McDonald Brothers Construction, $86,075,000

Pomerleau Inc., $91,000,000

Buttcon Limited, $104,899.000

The project has been in development for six years over the term of multiple councils and is considered to be a pivotal step in the creation of a central recreational hub for the community.

During this meeting council also received a retail and hotel market demand study examining what exists and what needs are going forward for the township. The report was completed by Shore-Tanner and Associates and was received at this time for information purposes only.

An ongoing problem was also dealt with regarding the Township of Russell recreational trail. Many people whose property backs on the trail have in some cases constructed storage buildings or completed landscaping on property which they do not own. A letter will be sent to all property owners along the trail notifying them to cease and refrain from erecting new structures or completing additional landscaping on Township property.

A letter will also be sent to each resident who is currently encroaching as per bylaw PR-10-2023. A permit option is also being presented with the possibility of installing a culvert where required and the need of inspections being conducted at the homeowner’s expense.

Council also decided on how to fill the vacant Councillor position that was created when Councillor Tarnowski assumed the role of Mayor.

A by-election will be held on Mon., Sept. 30, 2024, to fill the vacant seat. This seat will be for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term ending on November 14, 2026.

More information will be shared on the website when it becomes available on nomination period and process will be.

Residents can take the first step and make sure they are on the voter’s list by visiting You can use this application to maintain your information for provincial, municipal, district social services administration board and school board elections in Ontario.

Residents are being asked to complete this process before July 22, 2024, to ensure their information is correct and they are on the voters list. After that date, residents will need to complete a form and bring it to City Hall with required documentation to be added to the list.

The full meeting can be viewed on YouTube and the agenda is available as well on the Township website (

The next Council meeting will be Mon., Aug. 26, 2024, at 6:00p.m.