Everyone seemed to be having a good time and enjoying a mid-week chance to just take a break at Meet Me on Main St. Morewood. Tinkess Photo

MOREWOOD – The weather was a bit threatening, but that didn’t seem to discourage people as Meet Me on Main Street kicked off in Morewood.

The event, which has been very popular, took place on Wed., June 26 and ran from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Moffat St. was blocked off to accommodate things and there was an obvious party atmosphere as people took a couple of hours to relax, have a bite to eat and a beverage or two and reconnect with their neighbours.

Live music was provided by the very popular Cory Coons duo and the music drifted, as did many people, from one end of the main drag to the other.

The Main Street events are licenced, and, on this occasion, beverages were provided by Smokey Ridge Vineyard, Kings Lock Distillery, and the Lost Villages Brewery.

The kids weren’t left out either as there were bouncy toys at the south end of Moffat St., not to mention a great selection of food choices.

It was a great fundraising opportunity as well, as there was a dunk tank in place, which provided a chance to “dunk” well-known local personalities like Mayor Tony Fraser, Councillor John Lennox, Fire Chief Ken Byers, Brent Richard, Morewood Community Association president, and North Dundas District Hospital/Dundas Manor CEO Cholly Boland. All proceeds were for the New Dundas Manor.

There were lots of choices for food, games and activities (including cornhole demonstrations), a township information booth, and even a grease fire demonstration by the North Dundas Fire Department.

The rain, which held off for most of the evening arrived in buckets as things were winding down, but with the warm, humid weather, it wasn’t completely unwelcome.

A great evening put together by the Township and the Morewood Community Association. Congratulations and on to Marionville on July 3!