Each attendee at the fourth annual father-daughter princess dinner would have the opportunity to have a photo taken, but before that got underway, these three princesses and their fathers took the time for a group photo. From left: Bill Clement, Grace Clement, Spencer Livingston, Sawyer Livingston, Parker Havekes, Billie Havekes. See page 2 for the full story. Tinkess Photo
SOUTH MOUNTAIN – Fathers love their children, that should go without saying, but there is a special relationship between a father and a daughter, and that magic was celebrated on Saturday evening at the Mountain Township Agricultural Building on Lough St. in South Mountain.
The magical event was, of course, the fourth annual father-daughter princess dinner.
Carolyn Barkley is one of the event’s organizers and she explained how the event has grown. “This is our fourth year, I believe, that we’re doing this because we stopped after COVID and restarted again last year,” said Barkley. “We have 79 princesses right now with fathers or grandparents or uncles.”
It is important to mention that while the event has the name father-daughter, circumstances being what they can be, a princess would not be excluded because her father cannot attend. Grandfathers, uncles, probably older brothers could fill in if need be.
The event is organized by the Mountain Township Agricultural Society, but with the support of a whole lot of sponsors. “We also had seven people organizing and tonight we have approximately 20 volunteers on hand,” said Barkley.
Any proceeds from the dinner will be donated back to the Agricultural Society, and then from there used to provide upgrades to the hall and wherever else the funds are needed.
So, what does a princess get to do on an evening like this?
“There’s hula hoop, there’s dancing, there’s a snack bar, there’s an ice cream bar, and there’s a popcorn station,” said Barkley. “We have crafts, we do photographs, they all come home with a free 4” x 6” photo. Then they have a frame that they can decorate with their dads.
“It’s just a fun evening. It’s whatever they choose to make it. ”
There was, as you would expect, plenty of things to eat as well. There was pizza, fresh veggies, fruit, assorted drinks and many other things designed to keep a growing princess happy.
Barkley says there aren’t strict age limits to the event. “I’m going to say probably my youngest probably one right now, and the oldest is, I think, 12.”
With the popularity of the event, it is difficult to not see it continuing indefinitely.
“We always have a great turnout,” adds Barkley, “And this is our highest turnout yet.”
It can’t be said enough, that only through the efforts of volunteers and the generosity of sponsors can events like this take place. “We have balloons at the front to take home,” said Barkley, “And they take home loot bags that were supplied by our sponsors.
Special thanks go out to Foodland Winchester, Milk Committee, Double Dutch Produce, Mid-Mountain Performance, Havekes Land Improvements, Seamless Mechanical Solutions, Lloyd MacMillan Excavation, Sandy Row Golf Course, Bretny Holmes Photography, Havelea Farms, Gauthier Well Drilling, RBC, Sherry’s, Nationview Parent Council, Mountain Township and District Lions Club, and North Dundas Fire Prevention.

Terry Tinkess is a professional photographer, educator and journalist. He has been making a living with a camera and keyboard since 1999 and has been featured in such publications as The Ottawa Citizen, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, The Globe and Mail, The Miami Herald, Ottawa Construction News, The Ontario Construction Report, Ontario Home Builder Magazine, Reed Construction Data, Canadian Potato Business and most recently, The Record and Eastern Ontario AgriNews. Terry lives in Ingleside, Ontario with his wife Brenda, Mia the anxious Pittie and cats Wally and Chubbers.