Lexi Leclerc, age 2, was one of many children who received interestingly shaped balloons from Dr. Kaboom at the Marionville Winter Carnival on Sat., Feb. 3.  Tinkess Photo

MARIONVILLE – You would have to search long and hard to find a community with as much spirit as Marionville. Located strategically in North Dundas, Prescott-Russell, and the City of Ottawa, the community always seems to have something going on. Most recently it was the Winter Carnival.

Winters have not been kind to any winter carnival recently, and as a result, most have tried to focus on activities that are not affected by a lack of snow and by mild weather. Marionville is no exception, and under the guiding hand of the Marionville Citizens Committee, they have once again done a fantastic job. Throughout the weekend of Feb. 2-4, the event featured something for everyone, regardless of whether Mother Nature cooperated or not.

Things got underway Friday evening with a spaghetti and bean dinner served to 150 guests by the Knights of Columbus. This was followed by a Family Feud fundraiser with the goal of supporting three local students on a humanitarian trip to Costa Rica at the end of March. The Silent Auction also started Friday evening.

It is worth noting that there were several local dignitaries in attendance, and they joined in to help serve the dinner. Special thanks to Mayor Pierre Leroux (Township of Russell), Councillor George Darouze (Ward 20, Osgoode, City of Ottawa) and Theresa Bergeron (Deputy Mayor, Township of North Dundas).

Saturday was a very busy day. It began with kids’ activities such as face painting and a prize table in the community centre. Dr. Kaboom was on hand creating balloon art, and there was a Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing demonstration by Samurai Arts Academy. Ecofauna Animal Show was also on hand with several unique creatures including a snake, tortoise (Franklyn), Argentine black and white tegu lizard (Bowser), and a chinchilla. The star of the show, however, was Zorro, the Moluccan cockatoo, who absolutely insisted (loudly) that he be a part of everything that was happening.

The morning wrapped up with a hotdog lunch, including salads and drinks.

In the afternoon there was a sign making party hosted by Painted Daisy, while in the evening, from 8:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m., there was a beach party organized by Les Boys broomball team which attracted 110 people.

The weekend wrapped up with a family mass and children’s liturgy at Ste-Thérèse-d’Avila Catholic Church. This was followed by the always popular brunch hosted by the Knights of Columbus. Ottawa Councillor George Darouze, a “regular” at Marionville events, continued his support at the brunch, along with more than 150 other hungry people.

François Marion, the President of the Marionville Citizens Committee was overwhelmed by the support. “The Marionville Carnival was a tremendous success throughout the weekend,” said Marion.  “It was great seeing the community members and people from all over get together, (and) enjoy the great food and festivities.  Many mentioned that the food served was the best they enjoyed and promised to be back at future community events.”

Already on the radar is the Sugar Shack Brunch to take place on Sun., Mar. 17, 2024, at the Marionville Community Centre.

Marion expressed his gratitude and thanks to the organizing committee, volunteers, and all of the local businesses for their support and sponsorships that made the Carnival a great success.

Three days of community driven fun was had, proving once again that you don’t need to rely on the weather to have a great time.