Chesterville Legion president Steve Grubb prepares to drop the puck between Rockets’ Alex Gudbranson (left) and Cornwall Prowler captain Jonathan Desbiens during the Sat., Nov. 4 North Dundas Rockets’ hockey game. See page 3 for the full story. Tinkess Photo

NORTH DUNDAS – With Remembrance Day fast approaching, the North Dundas Rockets thought they would take the opportunity to show some respect and remember those who serve in Canada’s armed forces.

“Saturday the Rockets play at home,” said Murray Link, the Rockets’ communications director. “The game is to honour veterans and those who have served in the military. Veterans and military personnel get in free of charge. We also have the president of the Chesterville Legion, Steve Grubb dropping a ceremonial puck. Steve served in the military for 40 years. Joining him will be Senior Rocket #42 Alex Gudbranson, and Jonathan Desbiens, the captain of the Cornwall Prowlers. Gudbranson is a Private who is currently serving at CFB Kingston.”

If you were a Rockets fan, you certainly got what you came for as the Rockets skated to a 7-0 rout of the visiting Prowlers. Matt Jenkins picked up the shutout along with first star honours while Michael Mcnamee with two goals picked up the second star and Ryan Lough, with a goal and an assist was the third star.

The Rockets currently sit first overall in the Eastern Ontario Super Hockey League with a perfect 7-0 record. Their next game will be on Sat., Nov. 18 at 3:30 p.m. against the visiting South Grenville Rangers.