If you regularly travel County Road 43, south of Chesterville then you’ll be pleased to learn that the bridge rehabilitation will soon be complete, and the road will be reopened. A tentative date for the reopening is Nov. 17.   Tinkess Photo

CHESTERVILLE – If you are one of the many people who regularly travel County Road 43 and have had to deal with the construction detours over the summer months, then you should be pleased to know that barring any unforeseen circumstances, the bridge should be open to traffic by Nov. 17.

Originally scheduled to reopen by the end of October, the project was slightly delayed due to one of the components used in the rehabilitation. “There were high grade carbon fibre rods specified on this job that required substantial quality control testing,” said Matthew Brownell, SDG Counties via email. “The rod testing and delivery were the root cause for the lapse in the schedule.”

The work completed on the bridge is extensive. The comprehensive rehabilitation included the replacement of the safety wall, curb and expansion joints, reinforcement of the bridge deck, lifting of the structure for bearing pad replacement, in-water work to reinforce the piers, and new waterproofing and asphalt.

At 75 metres in length, the bridge is one of the largest in SDG. The price tag for the rehabilitation is $2.55 million.