Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Branch 108 in Winchester launched the 2023 Poppy Campaign in Sweets Corners on Oct. 27. From the left: RCL Branch 108 president Janine Fawcett, SDSG MP Eric Ducan, SDSG MPP Nolan Quinn, North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser, Branch 108 Poppy Campaign chair Shawn Doolan and Legion member Steve Hemeon. See page 5 for the full story. Thompson Goddard Photo

WINCHESTER – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 108 in Winchester launched the 2023 Poppy Campaign in Sweets Corners on Oct. 27. Branch 108 Poppy Campaign chair Shawn Doolan explained the campaign will run from Oct. 27 until November 11.

Doolan welcomed everyone to the event, noting that funds raised in the campaign would be used to help local veterans and provide bursaries to the children of veterans. He mentioned last year the campaign raised $12,644.93, noting it is important to teach “the next generation the terrible cost of war.”

North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser thanked Doolan for organizing the campaign, mentioning the importance of recognizing the work of past generations before expressing thanks for the work of RCL Branch 434 in Chesterville and RCL Branch 108 in Winchester.

Mayor Fraser mentioned how he is honoured to be part of the ceremony launching the Poppy Campaign of RCL Branch 108, SDSG MPP Nolan Quinn mentioned the importance of future generations of Canadians to learn about the service of veterans. He continued he plans to visit Legions in the riding to raise awareness of the Soldiers’ Aid Commission which provides Ontario veterans and their families financial assistance if required.

SDSG MP Eric Duncan commented on the importance of remembering the service of our military men and women, mentioning his continued support of the Royal Canadian Legion branches in SDSG and congratulated RCL Branch 108 for their work in the community.

The revitalization of the cenotaph in Van Camp was one of the community projects undertaken by Branch 108. Branch president Janine Fawcett told The Record a trivia night held at the Legion on Oct. 24 raised $450 in support of the revitalization project. Organized by RCL Branch 108, a cenotaph tour is scheduled to begin at the Winchester Legion at 9 a.m. on Sat., Nov. 4, visiting war memorials in Ormond, Inkerman, Van Camp and the Hill 70 memorial in Mountain.

More information on RCL Branch 108 can be found on their Facebook page.