The Sheep Show returned to the Chesterville Fair this year, with organizer Blair Dow mentioning six sheep breeds were represented at the show. Winners in the Champion Female Round demonstrating the best weight and breed characteristics are shown here with their handlers. From the left: Elysha Bryans and daughter Blakley with Reserve Champion Ewe Bryans Kit, Sheep Show Judge Ian Grant and Travis Dow with Champion Ewe Three-D 4OK from Class 33.   Thompson Goddard Photo

CHESTERVILLE – It was another great Chesterville Fair thanks to the dedication and work of the volunteers and members of the Chesterville and District Agricultural Society. Celebrating 90 years in 2023, the fairgrounds were alive with lots to see and do over the three-day fair that ran on Aug. 25, 26 and 27.

In her remarks during the opening ceremonies to the 2023 Chesterville Fair in the refreshment tent, CDAS president Ann Vanderlind mentioned that celebrating the 90th anniversary of the fair, reminds us of the enduring spirit of the founders and those who have volunteered to make it a success.

SDSG MP Eric Duncan, Sam McDonell, representing SDSG MPP Nolan Quinn, and SDG warden and North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser, thanked the volunteers and CDAS board members for their work to ensure people were able to enjoy the fair.

Several volunteers were recognized for their contributions to the Chesterville Fair during the opening ceremonies including Gord Johnson, Brad Johnston, the Vanden Bosch family, E.C. Carruthers, and John Thompson. Following the presentations, the dignitaries joined Vanderlind in officially opening the fair by visiting the axe throwing area and cutting the ribbon using axes instead of scissors.

During the weekend, visitors to the fair enjoyed a truck pull on Friday evening, Demo Derby on Saturday night and a tractor pull on the Sunday afternoon. The Kids’ Zone tent provided entertainment for shows and visits from Spiderman, Dora, and other favourite child characters.

The Entertainment Tent provided the opportunity to participate in a Karaoke Contest, listen to live music or dance the night away as well as attending an ecumenical church service on Sunday morning. During the church service, donations of funds and school supplies were provided to the House of Lazarus and people were able to pick up some fresh vegetables from the Ffaith Garden at Christ Church United in Chesterville.

The Cattle Barn was a busy location with the Summer Spotlight Junior Dairy Show on Saturday, and a Sheep Show on Sunday. “It was nice to be back in Chesterville with a sheep show,” said organizer Blair Dow of Metcalfe. He said that he appreciated the support shown by the CDAS and noted there were 75 entries. The Summer Spotlight Junior Dairy Show featured 4-H members showing their 4-H heifer calves and was organized by Hugh and Dianne Fawcett and Kelly Fawcett-Mathers of Winchester.

The Agricultural Hall provided the opportunity to showcase both the agricultural side of the fair with entries in grain and hay divisions and Homecraft Division entries showcased during the fair. CDAS director Carol Johnson reported there were 755 entries in 17 Homecraft classes with several subsections in each class. On Sunday in the back area of the hall, there were demonstrations of spinning, hand applique needlework, smocking and knitting performed by Gordon Mowat, Monique Lavigne-Patenaude, Joyce Francis and Rita Penner respectively.

On Sunday afternoon, awards were presented in the Homecraft Division. Molly Henderson won the Senior Youth Division, with Wyatt Rochon taking first place in the Junior Division. Lois Woolsey took top honours in the Sewing Division, with Shelly Patenaude in Baking, Carol Booth in Hobbies and Crafts, and Dan Gasser in Vegetables. The Newest Exhibitor Prize was awarded to Shelly Patenaude, with Shirley Coons receiving the Ina Graafland Trophy and Monique Lavigne-Patenaude receiving the Viewers’ Choice in Quilting. Lois Woolsley and Shirley Coons received the award in memory of Earl and Audrey Cross for most points in sewing and flowers respectively. A display of newspaper articles and photographs of the Chesterville Fair over the years was compiled by Betty Vanden Bosch and could be found in the front of the Agricultural Hall, with many people enjoying a chance to peek into the past.

All in all, it was an entertaining and enjoyable fair weekend in Chesterville, with a big note of thanks needing to be extended to the CDAS Board as well as the volunteers for a job well done.