RUSSELL – Coffee is a very interesting beverage. While it provides an excellent way of connecting with new people or sharing memories with friends and family, it is also for many people a very personal preference. Light roast, dark roast, medium, and don’t even get started about country of origin. We like what we like, and that is all that matters. Paul Latreille and Sylvie Rochon at Chin Chin Coffee Roasters in Russell understand that very well.

Chin Chin Coffee Roasters offer only ethically sourced, eco-friendly sustainable coffee in a variety of different roasts. While the company is relatively new in town, Paul and Sylvia have lived in Russell for close to 30 years. It was only natural that when they decided to begin their journey, it would be in Russell.

The couple had two goals in mind when they decided to start roasting coffee: they wanted to bring premium, fresh, and locally roasted coffee to their community, and to be able to provide coffee of the highest quality consistently, bag after bag. Their many hours of research convinced them that a fluid bed roaster was the best choice for their roastery.

How is a fluid bed roaster different from most coffee roasters? While more traditional drum roasters use gas, a fossil fuel that creates smoke while burning, the fluid bed roaster is electric and uses hot air to roast green coffee beans more consistently (and without the smoke).

While Paul and Sylvia could quite easily concern themselves only with creating a great cup of coffee, they knew that there was a lot more that they were concerned with. They wanted to offer an organic and ethically sourced product. They work with a Canadian supplier who buys directly from farmers and who treats and pays them fairly. It’s nice to know that while you are making a living that you are also helping someone else do the same.

They are also concerned with their carbon footprint and with being ecologically responsible. From making deliveries on their bicycles, to choosing a website host that uses only 100 per cent green, renewable energy, to using packaging with the lowest carbon footprint, the couple put into practice what many only talk about.

If you haven’t experienced what a really good cup of coffee can do, what are you waiting for? You can order online at, and delivery is available in some areas. To learn more, or to place an order, visit their website and see how good it can be.

If you would like to have a light shined on your business, please contact us at: or call us at 613-448-2321.