Members of North Stormont council, GFL representatives, local dignitaries and members of the Moose Creek Recreational Committee gathered at the new Moose Creek recreation centre on July 8 to acknowledge the donation from GFL of $500,000 towards the centre’s construction.   Thompson Goddard Photo

MOOSE CREEK – Green For Life Environmental (GFL), a Canadian leader in the recycling and waste recovery business, with a division located in North Stormont was congratulated for its generous contribution toward the construction of the new community centre in Moose Creek during a ceremony there on July 8.

GFL was recognized for the contribution of $500,000 this year, with North Stormont Mayor François Landry commenting during his opening remarks how GFL has been an exceptional supporter of the community in North Stormont and thanked the company for their generosity.

The strength of a community is in the people,” commented Landry, thanking former North Stormont

Mayor Jim Wert for his leadership and vision in the project, as well as township councillors and staff, community volunteers and GFL. SDSG MP Eric Duncan offered his congratulations, acknowledging the federal contribution to the construction project, thanking GFL and commented how North Stormont has a good model of volunteer led recreation associations. SDSG MPP Nolan Quinn noted the centre will be “a great asset for years to come” in the community and thanked GFL for their support.

Several volunteers from the Moose Creek Recreation Committee (MCRC) were present at the event.  MCRC president Lorena Sollows noted the project has been long anticipated by the community, expressing appreciation for the support from GFL, the hard-working volunteers and the community. The MCRC has raised over $100,000 through the Adopt a Brick campaign, and $80,000 raised by other fundraising while future fundraising is being planned.

GFL vice president Landfill and Compositing Operations – Eastern Canada Jean-Philippe Laliberté and Moose Creek Compost Facility general manager Prashant Vats were on hand to present the cheque for $500,000 during the event. Laliberté spoke to those assembled about the company and its commitment to the local community.