It may have been one of the hottest days of the year, but that didn’t prevent people from coming out and supporting Marionville’s Meet Me on Main St. event. Attendance may have exceeded last year’s estimated 400 happy people. Tinkess Photo

Terry Tinkess
Record Staff

MARIONVILLE – There are so many small communities in Eastern Ontario, and they each have their own distinct personality. This is something they are proud of and that they celebrate, and the Village of Marionville is no exception.

One thing, however that makes Marionville unique is that they are governed by three separate bodies: The City of Ottawa, the Township of Prescott-Russell, and the Township of North Dundas. That’s why when they held the 2023 version of Meet Me on Main St. last Wed., July 5, there seemed to be a lot of municipal government officials on hand. François Marion, the president of the Marionville citizen’s committee drew attention to this when kicking off the festivities.

“Thank you all for being here,” said Marion. I’m the president of the Marionville citizens committee. We’re working hand-in-hand with City of Ottawa, the Township of North Dundas and the Township of Russell for the organization of this year’s Meet Me on Main St. It’s the second time we have held this event.

Following brief greetings from Ottawa (Osgoode ward) Coun. George Darouze, Russell Mayor Pierre Leroux, and SDG warden/North Dundas Mayor Tony Fraser, the party got going.

There was a lot to take in, in a relatively small area. There was face painting for the kids, a local craft brewery and vineyard, numerous food providers. The musical entertainment was provided by Green Martini, a local band that includes a three-piece brass section, which ensured you would hear a broader selection of music, all of which was very well performed.

The whole idea behind Meet Me on Main St. was to provide an opportunity for visitors to learn a bit about the smaller communities in the area, but also to encourage residents to get out, take a break and reconnect with their neighbours. From what was apparent in Marionville, the idea has become a success. Last year there were over 400 people in attendance, and it appeared that 2023 would surpass that.

Running from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., there was just enough time to have a bite to eat, relax and reconnect, which, during the busy summer is a welcome interlude that anyone could enjoy.