Mmmmm … delicious!
Karen Brown and Kim Scott are pictured with six of the 11 entries in the chili cook-off held at The Gathering House in Chesterville on Dec. 14. The event raised more than $1200 for Rocky Road Rescue, according to social media reports. Thompson Goddard photo
CHESTERVILLE – The weather was a bit chilly outside, but inside The Gathering House in Chesterville there was plenty of warmth as Rocky Road Rescue held their first annual Chili Cook-off, Craft and Bake Sale on Sat., Dec. 14.
Rocky Road Rescue event co-ordinator Tammy Plath explained the organization is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit which rescues dogs of any age and provides the rescued animals with foster homes until adoption. The group will accept any breed permitted in Ontario.
The admission to the event was free but a donation to House of Lazarus or the Rocky Road Shelter was most appreciated. For $5, people were able to enjoy a bowl of chili with all the fixings – after the judging was completed. Visitors could also peruse the 14 vendors who had a wonderful selection of crafts and merchandise for sale, perhaps pick up some baking from the bake table or participate in a silent auction or draws held throughout the afternoon event.
Plath said there were 11 chili entries in the chili cook-off with Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry MP Eric Duncan, Gordon Dean from Mike Dean’s Super Food Store and Verne McMillan from the Chesterville & District Historical Society performing the delicious duty of determining the winners in the event. Dave Lannin, Chesterville Fire Station deputy chief took top honours and a $100 gift certificate to Wiser Meats. In second place were Ken Barkley and Ben Baynham, also from the Chesterville Fire Station, receiving a $75 Winchester Foodland gift card and in third place, North Dundas resident Marilyn Heuff who won a gift basket from Deb’s Valley Foods.
The successful event raised $1224 for Rocky Road Rescue with “donations to both The Gathering House and House of Lazarus including much needed food and supplies for Rocky Road Rescue, especially a private donation of four large bags of dog food,” according to Platt. Platt thanked The Gathering House, businesses and individuals in the local area who donated and those who attended the event, as well as the many volunteers who worked to make the event a successful fundraiser for Rocky Road Rescue.
For more information on this local pet rescue group, please visit either their Facebook page or

Carolyn Thompson Goddard, grew up in Chesterville and attended North Dundas District High School. After completing her BA in Political Science at Carleton University she has worked as a medical secretary and library technician. In 2020 she graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Journalism and has been a reporter and column writer for The Chesterville Record for over 10 years.