Heather Megill
Thompson Goddard photo

SDSG – Cornwall resident Heather Megill was recently acclaimed as the federal Liberal candidate in Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry in the 2019 federal election which is to be held on Oct. 21. With the federal election campaign period just beginning, Megill took some time from her busy schedule to answer a few questions for The Chesterville Record.

Megill decided to stand as the Liberal candidate in the SDSG election because she believes “the Liberal Party of Canada has the best plan to continue to move Canada forward.” She has a close connection to the local community after having taught in communities throughout SDG as a travelling itinerant teacher, as well as a classroom teacher and has served for “17 years with the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve including the SD&G Highlanders.” 

When asked about the top two issues for the riding, she responded how the condition of the aging infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, water and sewage in SDSG needs to be addressed. The need for “access to healthcare for families and seniors” is another huge issue according to Megill. She continued how there is a need for people to be able to access “the care they need when they need it” and ensuring there are additional supports available for senior citizens.

The environment is described by Megill as being a top national issue. She noted that the environment “impacts so many aspects of our lives,” stressing the importance of having safe water for everyone, ensuring water levels are maintained, dealing with the impact of serious weather and the need to “re-engineer the way we work and live so we have a safe thriving country incorporating both rural and urban realities.” Megill envisions her role as SDSG MP as one that will champion the riding, working “with all levels of government and constituents to get action on our issues.” She commented: “I am not afraid to fight for what I believe in,” stressing the need to connect with people.