A champs
The Brew Jays took on the Slammin Pitches in the A final of the Chesterville Fair on Sat., Aug. 25. The Brew Jays knocked off the Winchester Dairyfest champions Pitches 8-2, winning the A championship. The champs are, front from left, Tyler Jones, Taylor Shelp, Janessa Byers, Sam Shelp, Kaitlyn Thurler and Chris Embruy. Middle from left, Brandon Buma and Colton Robinson. Back from left, Scott Jones, Justin McMahon, Marc Melenhorst, Tyler Hunt and Cody Carruthers.
CHESTERVILLE—The Chesterville Fair baseball tournament commenced on the weekend of Aug. 24-25, at the Chesterville Ball Diamond. The tournament featured eight teams from Chesterville and area, including; the Brew Jays captain, Chris Embury, Team Sherrer captain Tyson Sherrer, the Cheetaz captain Jon Drew, Team Carruthers captain Austin Carruthers, Team Barkley captain Terry Barkley, Team Dilly captain Adam Dillabough, Slammin Pitches captain Josh Stubbings and Team Heuff captain Justin Heuff.
Friday night featured three games as the Brew Jays took Team Sherrer to open the tournament with the Brew Jays pulling out the victory to move on to the A side and team Sherrer was relegated to the B side. The second game saw the Cheetaz taking on Team Carruthers with Carruthers moving on to the A and the Cheetaz to the B.
In the third game, Team Barkley took on Team Dilly with Team Barkley taking the game moving on to the A and team Dilly to the B. On Saturday, the Slammin Pitches took on Team Heuff in the early game with the Slammin Pitches moving on to the A side and Team Heuff to the B.
On the A side the Brew Jays took on Team Carruthers with the Brew Jays eliminating Team Carruthers and moving on to the A final. In the second A game, Team Barkley took on the Slammin Pitches. The Slammin Pitches knocked out Team Barkley to move on to face the Brew Jays in the final.

B champs
The Cheetaz took on Team Dilly in the B final of the Chesterville Fair Lob Ball Tournament on Sat., Aug. 24, at the Chesterville Ball Diamond. It was a high scoring seesaw affair but in the end it was the Cheetaz’ pulling out the victory, winning the 2019 B championship. The winners are, front from left, Jenn Drew, Nathan Thompson, Amy Lacelle and captain, Jon Drew. Back from left, Cory Dillabough, Brodie Lutz, Craig Leclair, Josh LaRussa, Terry Morrow, Darren Guy, Stacy Guy and Sara Timmins. Moore photos
On the B side, Team Sheerer took on the Cheetaz but it was the Cheetaz pulling off the victory to move on to the B final. Team Dilly took on Team Heuff to win the second game on the B side. Team Dilly dispatched Team Heuff to move on to the B final against the Cheetaz.
A final
In the A final it was the Brew Jays taking on the Slammin Pitches in a battle for the bragging rights. the Brew Jays jumped out to an early lead which the Slammin Pitches just couldn’t recover from as the Brew Jays took the game becoming the 2019 A champions.
B final
In the B final, the Cheetaz took on Team Dilly and this game was high-scoring back and forth, with a lot of lead changes and when the dust settled it was the Cheetaz pulling off the victory becoming the 2019 B champs.