An arm-length please
Grace Sample, Emily Iob, Gabi Kerwin and Paige Sample of Labatt Promotions were selling tickets, one arm-length at a time, for the live auction. Glover photo

A little rain and cold temperatures were not going to stop the men of Metcalfe from enjoying a night out with their friends. This year’s Shroomfest had a sold out house and surpassed their previous fundraising record raised by over $5,000.
Glover photo
METCALFE – Shroomfest has not been very lucky with the weather these past couple of years. Last year’s event endured a storm that knocked out the power and produced winds that were strong enough to knock down trees and telephone poles. This year unfortunately had cloudy, rainy skies mixed with lower temperatures.
However, while Shroomfest may not have any luck with weather conditions, they have all the fortune of a community that supports their commitment to helping their community and improving the beautification of the area.
“We’re totally sold out this year,” said Al Graham, one of the many organizers of the event. “We’re right back up to our maximum capacity, reaching up to 600, maybe a little bit over that.”
Last year, Shroomfest beat their record of raised funds with a total of $62,950 and this year, that total was surpassed again with an approximate total of $68,000. “We have surpassed our previous record again and it’s fantastic,” said Graham. “We’re very happy to have raised these funds to help our local charities and organizations and support the beautification of our community.” Graham spent most of the night thanking his many sponsors that helped him run another successful charity event.
Osgoode Ward councillor George Darouze, who was also in attendance to the event, was very pleased with another successful Shroomfest. “This is an amazing, one-of-a-kind event that raises so much money from the small businesses that is poured back into the community through different organizations,” he said. “It’s a fantastic event that I’m always happy to support.” Darouze also mentioned that Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who is usually in attendance at the event, was unable to make it this year due to the massive flooding affecting the area. After declaring a state of emergency, he felt that his presence was needed helping the cause.
The funds raised from the event will be poured back into the community through a beneficiary celebration Wed., June 12 at the Metcalfe Curling Club. Graham urges any business or organization in the area who wants to request funds for a certain project or development to contact him at 613-913-1070 or email him at
Reporter/Photographer for Chesterville Record and Eastern Ontario Agrinews. Currently working on Record segment, “Chilling Tales from Beyond”