Celebrating in style
At the St. Patrick’s Day Fish Fry in Long Sault, a group of people dressed in green for St. Patrick’s gathered for a group shot. From the left, Richard Godard, Lisa Godard, Alain Godard, Tyler Caine, Caitlin Merpaw, Paul Deschamps and Mary Deschamps. Mary Deschamps organized a group of almost 30 people for the 6 p.m. dinner sitting, and mentioned she “enjoys the events which are put on” by Smith, explaining they are always a lot of fun and bring back fond memories from her youth. Thompson Goddard photo

Darien Champagne receives a cheque for $1,000 for the Meals on Wheels program at the South Stormont Seniors’ Support Centre from organizer Dave Smith. The funds were raised by the March 16 St. Patrick’s Day Fish Fry and Dance.
Thompson Goddard photo
LONG SAULT – For those celebrating St. Patrick’s Day there was no shortage of events on March 16 to participate in throughout the local area. Planned activities included a St. Patrick’s Day Tea and Bazaar at the Morrisburg Legion, St. Patrick’s Day Dance at Matilda Hall in Brinston as well as events at the Royal Canadian Legions in Iroquois, Chesterville and Winchester, all of which served to spread a bit of Irish charm throughout those communities.
South Stormont celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a Fish Fry and Dance which raised funds for the local Meals on Wheels’ program at the South Stormont Seniors’ Support Centre in Ingleside. With a 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. seating, close to 100 people enjoyed a complete fish dinner catered by the Ingleside Long Sault Lost Villages Lions Club; coffee and tea was provided by Coffey’s Coffee and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 569 in Long Sault ran the bar during the event.
Following the dinner and before the dance featuring the music of Al Love & Cam Kennedy, Smith presented a cheque for $1,000 to Darien Champagne, program coordinator, Carefor Health & Community Services (CHCS) at South Stormont Seniors’ Support Centre. CHCS supervisor Michele Morgan commented in a post event email to the Chesterville Record how “fundraising events like this one are crucial to the success of our programs at the South Stormont Seniors’ Support Centre. Dave and the Lost Villages Lions Club do their community proud, time and time again. We are thankful for their time and commitment.” Organizer Dave Smith commented how despite the number of options to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day “[they] still had a real nice supportive crowd for the Meals on Wheels’ fundraiser” and continued he was “personally thankful and lucky to see most of the same people at all of [his] events.”
When asked about upcoming events, Smith mentioned a couple of events are in the planning stages including a Relay for Life event in August and fundraisers in support of the basketball court at the Ingleside Park.

Carolyn Thompson Goddard, grew up in Chesterville and attended North Dundas District High School. After completing her BA in Political Science at Carleton University she has worked as a medical secretary and library technician. In 2020 she graduated from Algonquin College with a diploma in Journalism and has been a reporter and column writer for The Chesterville Record for over 10 years.