Cutting of the twine
The delegates from past and present Chesterville Agricultural Society members and honoured guests were bagpiped to the front of the grandstands for the opening ceremonies of the 87th annual Chesterville Fair on Fri., Aug. 25. After various speeches and awards it came down to a ribbon cutting of sorts. Instead of a ribbon, baler twine was used which CDAS president, Carol Johnson used a box cutter knife to officially declare the Chesterville Fair open. On hand to help with the ceremonies were from left, CDAS treasurer Scott McLean, John Thompson (Thompson Electric), Master of Ceremonies Dan Gasser, CDAS president Carol Johnson, Jeremy Heerkens (Dundas Power Lines), and CDAS vice president Ashley Johnson. Moore photo

The ever-popular demolition derby took front stage at the 87th Chesterville Fair on Sat., Aug. 25. Just two cars in the six cylinder class fought it out for about 15 minutes but it was the car on the left that took home the trophy after disabling the car on the right. The 0247 car was also named best decorated so the driver, Richard Ball left with a couple of trophies cash. There was $3,000 in prize money given out to: Melissa Gendron and Robbie Chartier for team victory – first $1,000, Tenesha Richardson and Cory MacDonald – second $100, Robbie Chartier – mini size winner $600, John Chartrand – second $300 and Mason Hanson – third $100, Richard Ball – midsize winner $400, Kyle Hurbert – second $50 and Denno Emon – fullsize winner $400 and David Gravelle – second $50. Moore photo
Carolyn Thompson Goddard
Record Corresponden
CHESTERVILLE—From the opening ceremonies held on Fri., Aug. 24 until the Homecraft Division Award Ceremony late in the afternoon on Sun., Aug. 26, the fairgrounds in Chesterville was abuzz with people enjoying the sights and sounds of the 2018 Chesterville Fair.

There were laughs aplenty at the Kidz Zone Tent when L’il Jon performed for a youthful audience. From balloon creations to his friendly rabbit, children enjoyed the friendly atmosphere at his shows. Thompson Goddard photo
For months the volunteers with the Chesterville and District Agricultural Society and the organizations board of directors have been hard at work planning every aspect of the fair. CDAS president Carol Johnson expressed her appreciation for the dedication of the volunteers in providing time and energy to ensuring the success for the annual agricultural exhibition.

Moments after winning his division in the 2018 Chesterville Fair Baby Show, Zachary LeClair is in mom, Andrea LeClair’s arms while big sister Emilie LeClair helps carry his prize. There were several entries in this year’s baby show with proud parents and beautiful babies getting the day started in the Kids Zone Tent at the Fair. Thompson Goddard photo
During the opening ceremonies, four individuals who had devoted considerable time and energy to the Chesterville Fair were recognized for their contributions. Barry Billingham, Shirley Coons and the late Tommy Parker (his award presented to Gail Parker) received recognition for their outstanding service to the fair by being presented with the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Service Award and George Countryman received the OASS Accomplishment Award for “the dedication shown to the CDAS over many years,” as well as congratulatory certificates from SDSG MP Guy Lauzon and SDSG MPP Jim McDonell. As Johnson cut the binder twine to open the fair, the new lights which were installed by Thompson Electric and Dundas Power Lines were lit for the first time.
Throughout the weekend there were many activities available to delight people of all ages and interests. The Exhibition Hall had numerous vendors, Homecraft entries on display as well as entrants in the Grain and Hay Division. For those who like exciting entertainment the Friday night Truck Pull, Saturday evening Demolition Derby and Sunday afternoon Antique and Farm Stock Tractor Pull filled the bill, while other forms of entertainment included the infamous fair dances and live music organized by The McCloskey Project in the Entertainment Tent throughout the weekend.
The Chesterville Fair began its life in 1932 as a showcase venue for the local agricultural community. True to its roots, the 2018 Fair featured a Youth Beef Show, Hunter Horse Show, Poultry Show, Grain and Hay Division and of course Maple on the Mooove! exhibit as well as a Dundas Federation of Agriculture booth.
Once again this year the Exhibition Hall was a beehive of activity throughout the Chesterville Fair showcasing entries from the Homecraft Division which demonstrated the needlecraft, sewing, quilting, culinary, horticultural and creative artistic abilities of local residents. Home Craft Special Awards are as follows: Seniors: Helen Homes; Fair Board Trophy Newest Exhibitor: Vera Adametz; Senior Youth: 1st Kate Link-Horvatz; 2nd: Ashley Morris; Junior Youth: 1st: Addison Simpson; 2nd McKenna Kelly; 3 to 5 years, winners tied: Hannah Henderson; Jake Guy; Ina Graafland Trophy for Most Points in Homecraft: Shirley Coons.
For those seeking a bit of fun on the midway Tribek Inflatable Interactive Midway provided numerous inflatables including a rock-climbing wall, obstacle course and the favourite bouncy rides. Johnson commented during an interview with the Chesterville Record she felt the midway was an important factor in the increased number of families attending this year’s event, commenting how it was nice to see them enjoying the fair and noting it was “fun to see Spiderman go up the rock-climbing wall and watching “teenagers competing against one another in the obstacle course.”
Rounding out the midway area was the Kidz Zone Tent where Children’s Performer L’il John made presentations, crafts were created, and the popular Baby Show held. No fair would be complete without games of chance, food vendors and a community worship service. Sports enthusiasts were not left out as Therien Martial Arts and Fitness Centre provided a demonstration of local martial artists demonstrating their jiu-jitsu and kickboxing skills and a baseball tournament.
In her speech at the Opening Ceremonies, CDAS president Johnson reminded those present of the importance of keeping the Society founders’ dreams alive and certainly the 2018 Fair achieved that goal.