Volunteer teams helped the Community Food Share collect bags from across the surrounding area on Sat., May 12. The donations weighed in at an outstanding total of 18,825 pounds, far exceeding last year’s 13,000 pounds. Ian McKelvie, Community Food Share administrator said the organization also received $590 in cash donations plus a $1,000 Team Action Grant from the Winchester branch of RBC. Donations from Morewood, Finch and Chesterville were brought to the Chesterville Arena before being transported for weighing. One of the Chesterville teams worked hard throughout the day collecting from houses in the community. Front row, Alexander vanDelst, Middle row from left, Liam Campbell and Gwyneth vanDelst. Back row from left, Mackenzie Campbell, Samson McDonald, William Miller and Luke vanDelst. Courtesy photo
Fill-A-Bag soars past last year’s record