Let’s get this party started
Finch Lions’ Club members Ernie Coumont (left) and Michael Holland wait for the rush of visitors to Finch’s Canada 150 party on Sat., Aug. 26. Vetter photos
Candice Vetter
Record Staff
FINCH – Over 300 people attended the special barbecue and family day in Finch on Sat., Aug. 26, held to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation.

Caroline Sanders and Annika Michaud of Berwick enjoy the bungee race at the Finch Canada 150 party on Aug. 26. The children put on a vest attached to a bungee cord, then try to place their brick closer to the exit than their opponent before the bungee cord snaps them back.
Jason Molinaro and about eight committee members planned the party, which featured inflatables for children, a sold-out 250-person barbecue supper, live music, fire trucks, and other games and entertainment.