While the getting is good
Carl McIntyre sold a number of pieces at the Morrisburg antiques event. Event attendee Doug admired some of McIntyre’s unique pieces. This is the only event McIntyre takes part in since his shop Basket Case Cafe is open regularly. Sawyer Helmer photo
Kalynn Sawyer Helmer
Record Staff
MORRISBURG – With every year, small communities are finding it harder and harder to keep annual events and traditions going. But as Carl McIntyre insists, “We cannot let these events die. They are one of the only ways to grow local businesses and bring people from outside. Just look at all these people.” McIntyre was referring to the many people enjoying a day beside the water at the annual antique and collectibles event, this year held at the Lakeshore Drive United Church on Sat., July 15 and Sun., July 16.
McIntyre is the past president of the Chamber of Commerce, and owns the Basket Case Cafe with his wife Hanne Rycroft. The two encouraged the Chamber of Commerce to pick up the annual event when the Lion’s Club was no longer able to continue organizing.
McIntyre’s desire for Morrisburg is “think big” since, like other small communities, it does not grow rapidly. Popular annual events are essential to draw in people.
McIntyre and Rycroft had a display at the event, the only one they partake in as their shop is open for antique browsing the majority of the time. Their cafe also donated the food for the event so attendees could enjoy sandwiches and treats throughout the day.
McIntyre has been collecting for approximately 30 years and said he always looks for unique pieces. “Mid-century modern is very popular right now,” he explained. He finds his pieces from many downsizing seniors and a regular trip to Denmark.
Also displaying some of his collection was newcomer, George Valade from Dusty Treasure Hunters in Glen Walter. This year in Morrisburg was the first time he has ever displayed outside of his home shop, and said the experience has “been fun.” Valade has been collecting since he was a young boy when his parents would take him to auction sales throughout Eastern Ontario. “I guess that’s where I got the bug, Auction fever was in my blood. Country living on the outskirts of Glen Walter, roaming the countryside I’ve amassed a variety of unique antiques and collectibles. Needless to say that I enjoy the hunt, the rush of finding dusty old treasures and researching their historical value,” explained McIntyre in his profile bio.
Valade said he looks for anything that is unique or different, “It has to catch my eye and is out of the ordinary.”

Helen Derix (middle) owner of Julie Fashion held a vintage fashion show during the Morrisburg antiques event on Sat., July 15. The local ladies sported fashions from the iconic female stars from Old Hollywood. Sawyer Helmer photo
Also providing some vintage entertainment was Julie Fashion owner Helen Derix who outfitted a number of local ladies to walk in a fashion show and depict some of the Old Hollywood Belles and their iconic fashions. “I don’t call it a fashion show, I call it a reality show,” said Derix, since she concludes that she can provide something for every and shape or size.
Over the two day event approximately 760 people passed through to explore what the 20 vendors had to offer. Any money raised will go towards the replacement of the South Dundas welcome sign. Main organizer Geraldine Fitzsimmons of the Chamber of Commerce said, “We are hoping to grow the event but this year was a wonderful success.”